eXp Realty REVenue Share 2.0
Strengthened Agent-Centric REVenue share

50% Payout
In an agent's inaugural year, eXp Realty introduced a new Fast Start Attraction Bonus for sponsors offers 50% revenue share pool payout.

Revenue Share Pool
The calculation of revenue share just got a whole lot more transparent with the easier-to-understand Revenue Share Pool.

$197.9 Million
In 2023, eXp Realty allocated an impressive $197.9 Million in revenue share to its agents

"Pay NOW" Feature
The introduction of the "Pay Now" feature gives agents the option of instant cashouts of their revenue share earnings.

Sponsoring agents in North America now have the ability to earn up to $4,000 for agents that they directly sponsor in their first year at eXp Realty
Fast Start Attraction Bonus

Stock Awards​
Agents receive a $400 stock award after any agent they have directly sponsored closes their first transaction at eXp Realty.

More Lucrative Than Profit Share
Revenue sharing is different from profit sharing because revenue sharing is calculated before expenses are paid, whereas profit sharing is calculated after all overhead costs are met, which can greatly reduce (or completely eliminate) any compensation for attracting an agent to the company.

Best Places to Work
Since 2018 eXp Realty has been ranked on Glassdoor's list of Best Places to Work in the U.S. large list, ranked at No. 22 for 2024.
2024 Glassdoor
The eXp Realty revenue share program pays agents a percentage of the company dollar that comes from the production of agents they have sponsored (it is important to note that this money comes from eXp Realty NOT the agents you attract). Revenue share is based on gross commission income (GCI) and it is calculated and paid out monthly.
Agents have the opportunity to earn a portion of the revenue from transactions of agents they sponsor as well as agents sponsored by those agents up to seven tiers. ​
In 2024 eXp Realty implemented REVenue Share 2.0 which brought about changes to the revenue share program that further highlighted the company's commitment to its agent-centric value proposition. The FOUR main changes include:
1. Making the calculation of revenue share easier to understand and transparent with the Revenue Share Pool.
2. The reduction requirements for Front Line Qualifying Agents (FLQA) across levels 2-6.
3. Fast Start Attraction Bonus... sponsors now receive a 50% revenue share pool payout for their inaugural year.
4. The new "Pay Now" feature will give agents increased financial flexibility with instant revenue share cash-outs.

eXp Realty generously gives agents a $400 stock award after any agent they have sponsored closes their first transaction.
Where does the money come from? eXp agents accept an 80/20 split, that means the agent keeps 80% of their commission, and the company earns 20% (up to $16,000 TOTAL company during a 12-month period). eXp Realty then takes 50% of what was paid to the company and pays that out in the form of revenue share, spreading the earnings over 7 tiers.

eXp Realty then takes 50% of what was paid to the company and pays that out in the form of revenue share, spreading the earnings over 7 tiers.

Front line qualifying agents (FLQA's) are agents that have named you as their sponsor at eXp Realty. In addition to having the opportunity to earn revenue share when these agents close transactions eXp Realty also generously gives agents a $400 stock award after any agent they have sponsored closes their first transaction.
What happens to your revenue share when you decide you no longer want to actively sell real estate? As long you maintain a real estate license (you do not have to be in active production) you will continue to earn revenue share from any agents you attracted and the agents they attracted, up to 7 tiers.
What about after retirement? eXp Realty agents can name a beneficiary and as long as that person obtains a real estate license within 1 year of your passing they will inherit your revenue share, ensuring a legacy for your loved ones.

After nearly 3 decades of selling and investing in real estate and building and cultivating agents on my teams, I am excited to be able to share my knowledge and expertise on a large scale through eXp Realty. I hope you will reach out today to discover if we're a good fit to work together.